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Well, I was not sure if I should start my new blog before or after I officially become a Crosby, but I got the OK from my fiance' and decided to start now! SO..... switch on over to for my new blog (just click the link)! I will be posting there from now on!!! So come on over to the new "station" and join me on my new adventure!!! I promise this will be the last change!! I'll be a Crosby forever!!!! SARAH
It has been over a week since Abe popped the question and things are moving right along! We have a date, a venue for the ceremony and reception, my dress ordered, a photographer, florist, colors, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girls, and ring bearers all lined up!
It has been one hectic week! I did not sit still from Monday-Friday, and I feel as if this week and all the weeks to come are going to be the same exact way! I keep thinking that I have gotten SO much accomplished, but then quickly realize that was only a drop in the pool!
My mom and I also went this past Saturday to BRIDAL EXTRAVAGANZA in Houston. It was a bit overwhelming, but overall it was a lot of fun and we got tons of ideas. It was also fun just to spend some mother - daughter time looking at fun wedding stuff!
I have had a lot of fun planning. I feel as if my dream is coming true! I have found my prince charming and I cannot wait to be his bride!
I AM ENGAGED! Yes, you read that right! I am getting married to Abel Crosby on May 15, 2010, and am the happiest, luckiest, most blessed girl out there! Hence "The Crosby Show" (my new blog title to come) ;) I will try to summarize the story:
It all started New Year's Eve. I was supposed to come to his house for the night and go on his boat to look at fire works and then to a friends party. Well...
We took his row boat out on Lake Belton. It was so windy and choppy that I kept being a baby and getting scared that the front of the boat would buck up and we would flip out. Again, I was being quite the scaredy cat. Abel was so good at comforting me! We were out there for a little while, when he said it was time to go in.
So he started rowing. I told him to hand me an ore so I could help. He handed me his instead and just started smiling at me! I kept saying "Babe, we are never going to make it if I am the only one rowing."
At about that time, he starts looking into the shore and says "Hey I think there is a deer over there." I was so in the zone that I just kept rowing. So he shouted "Hey, deer!" and all of the sudden the shore lit up with "Marry Me" in white Christmas lights. ( he knows white are my fav.)
I quickly stopped paddling! He asked me what it said but I didn't answer fearing my eyes were playing tricks on me. I knew if I said "Marry Me" he would laugh and it would have really said "Merry Christmas" or something.
But THANKFULLY it said "MARRY ME!!!" It was so sweet and I am SO in love!
This was right after we got back to his house! Oh ya, he had a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the hike back to his car, and surprised me by having my parents come to spend the night! He even planned a brunch for the day after!! How blessed am I?!!? OOO.. and my ring!! I could not have pick out a better one myself!
My ring!
He picked out the flowers all on his own! So beautiful! I have found the most amazing man out there! He is my best friend, he is an amazing man of God, and the LOVE of my life! I cannot believe that he has chosen me to be his wife! I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with him! I pray that I will be a wife to loves him and fears the Lord.
After dreaded finals ended Abel and I were fortunate enough to take a trip to 3:00AM-- yes AM! to head for the airport. Just to sit on a plane for an hour and a half waiting for them to fix the anti-freeze on the plane. Comforting, I know!
Any who, we headed out finally at 8:00AM.
Sitting on the plane
We slept and chillaxed on Thursday to get ready for skiing Friday and Saturday!
--Friday--So, as I mentioned before I have not been skiing since 5Th grade, so the first day I was literally shaking in my ski's. Sadly, Lauren had to work today and was not able to join us. Abel and Jake would not let me do ski lessons! They said they would not let me waste my money and they would teach me themselves! So Coco mo (bunny slopes) here we come! I made it off the first lift gracefully and without falling... Whew! Skied a few feet and WIPE! I was down! I thought, "Great, I can't even go a few feet. How am I going to do this for two days?" But with the amazing encouragement of Jake and Abel, I got back up and skied down the rest of the run without a fall! We stayed on Greens all day long and after lunch i let the pros do some blacks while I rested! **Boy, did I need a rest!** They got back and we finished on the greens!!
Day 2 of skiing: --Saturday--Lauren was able to come today! I was so excited, because they could not take turns dragging with me and doing hard stuff as well. BUT, my totally encouraging, amazing, handsome, great, awesome boyfriend stayed with me the WHOLE day! I fell a lot on our first run on the green. I was SO super frustrated because my goal was to do blue's that day. Well, he encouraged me and we did one more green and then blue's the rest of the day! I could not have done it without Abel that day coaching me and encouraging me down the mountain! It was SO much fun and by the end of the day I was doing some harder blue's. Now, yes, I did fall a lot on them but I made it through and LOVED it! I cannot wait to go back and ski!!! It's SO fun! Again, I cannot brag Abel up enough... He was SUCH an encouragement and supporter of me all day long.
--Sunday-- *We went to Jake and Lauren's church.
*The Nutcracker was next on the agenda! If you have not been, I recommend going! I went in 2nd grade at First Baptist (my dad went with me as a date, precious right!), but for the most part did not remember it.
*Dinner time! If you are ever in Boulder I would 100% recommend The Med (Mediterranean). Talk about some good food! We then took a stroll down Pearl Street and ate some frozen yogurt. YUM!
*Lauren and I were dying to see some Christmas lights so the boys drove us around some fancy neighborhoods and we were able to "ooh and ah" over the sights.
*We wrapped our day up with Home Alone.
We stayed around their apartment and played some fierce games of Canasta and Abel and I went out to the mall and shopped.
On a bridge on our shopping adventure Tuesday we headed home sweet home.
I know this is a long post but, I have to thank Jake and Lauren for letting us crash at their place for 5 nights! They are so sweet and we had such a wonderful time. We are truly blessed to have them in our lives.

This past year, I really have begun to think about the foods I am placing in my mouth. I have always tried to eat in a semi-healthy manner, but lately I have found that even things I have believed to be "healthy" might not really be that good for me after all. In one of my classes, for extra credit, we were allowed to watch Food Inc., or the Great Debaters. My desire to be more wise about the food I eat (and the fact that Oprah is a producer for the Great Debater) led me to watch Food Inc. It was really good and started to peak an interest in organic foods.I was checking my e-mail and on yahoo, news stories pop up before you log in. 7 Foods Experts Won't Eat, popped up. Here is the list: 1. Canned Tomatoes2. Corn-Fed Beef: For Grass Fed Beef Click HERE: YONDER WAY FARM3. Microwave Popcorn4. Non organic Potatoes5. Farmed Salmon6. Milk Produced with Artificial Hormones7. Conventional ApplesYou can check out the reasons and explanations by clicking the link above.Now, let me clue you in to one thing about college folk, we are dirt poor! So, how on earth am I going to buy organic? It is so expensive. While I was checking out this list of what I should not be placing in my mouth, or cooking for other people, I found this link to finding and buying organic foods at a smarter and cheaper rate. How to Pay Less for Organic. I was really encouraged and feel a lot better about the foods I am buying.