Monday, August 10, 2009

Headed back to the Grand ole U.S

Day 7

It was such a fun week in El Salvador. I met some amazing kiddos while I was there. I will deeply miss each and every one of them. It was a growing time between the Lord and I as well. Our team members touched my life as well, in ways they cannot even imagine. Again I will say, God knew what He was doing, when He chose our group. Our translators did such an AMAZING job. I know they must have been doubly tired when they got home. God did some mighty things through all of them. I love each and every team member who went, and we will have memories that will last a lifetime. ...Oh, Alyson and her bday throwing in the air.... hahaha

Our driver Joel was also amazing. He was just as much as a part of the team as any of us. He would play with the kids and love on them just as much, if not more as us. We gave him a Bible and he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior the day we left. He prayed the prayer of salvation in front of all of us at breakfast that morning. God is going to use and bless him immensely!

I had an awesome trip, and it just intensified my passion for adoption and orphans. It also made me appreciate what I have, and my amazing parents who are so encouraging and wonderful examples of Godly parents.

Sorry if these posts have errors, I wrote them all on nights when I was extremely tired, and worn out. God is so good!!!!

Don't wake a sleeping baby!

Day 6

Our last day in El Salvador. We were at an orphanage in Ahuachapan today. It was the furthest drive, with the littlest kids. The kids here were very well taken care of and the older girls seemed to take care of the younger ones. The girls were ranging from 2-14 I believe. It was such a joy to be there. We did the same things as the days before, like bracelets, singing and a Bible lesson. They were truly a joy to be with.

There was a baby duck at the orphanage and Shirley said to my mom "The duck has no mommy too." It was an orphan duck so they kept it and took care of it! So sweet!!!!

We did a pinata and I taught "my" two year old to act like she was giving it to the adults and say.." no!" haha She was so precious. She feel asleep in my arms and was still sleeping when we had to leave. I told everyone I had to take her cause you shouldn't wake a sleeping baby! But they made me pass her off. She didn't wake up, but when she did I bet she thought it all was a dream. I hope one of the best dreams she has ever dreamt.

I miss all of the kids that we encountered. Even though we were only there one day, they all have such a special place in my heart!

We visited a place where one of the volcano's erupted and got to take bits of lava rock with us.

Then we were off to dinner! A Dinner we will never forget! We arrived at what we thought was going to be a restaurant, but it was turned into some store, so we decided to just eat next door. It said karaoke on it, so we were all excited. We all got Congas (a specialty fruit drink in El Salvador) and did karaoke. We danced and had such a fun time. A band came about an hour after we got there and we danced to their music and they sang to Alyson "Pretty woman and Happy Birthday." Words cannot even begin to describe what a fun night we had. I will miss seeing our team members every day. They were such a great group and the Lord really knew what He was doing when He placed us together.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I have not laughed so hard in a long time...

Day 5

Back off to the orphanages. We were in Sonsonate today! It was an older girls ranging in age from 8-18. It was a fun day. The girls thought that I was famous. They asked me to sign their notebook and take a picture with them. It was so cute! We had to tell them over and over, that I was no different from them, and I was not a movie star! haha Oh, they are all so sweet! We painted pillow cases and made bracelets with them. We also cooked them hot dogs. Over here they put Siveeche (sp?) on their hot dogs. It is like a cole slaw. The girls downed some hot dogs, chips and cookies. We also got to do a lot of girlie things like makeup, hair and nails. They were older, so it was fun to do things like that with them. I think they really appreciated it!

These girls were so special, and we enjoyed , loving on them. It touched me dearly, because they are not too much younger than me. I will miss them all.

Oh ya, I almost forgot!!! It is Alyson Tofel's birthday Monday, and we told the girls. Well, the girls sang "Happy Birthday" and about ten minutes later, they all gather around her and throw her up and down saying "Uno, dos, tres... all the way to veinty y uno" haha The facial expression she had was SOOO funny! She didn't know they were going to do it and so her face was priceless!!!!!! hahaha Oh wow a top moment of the trip so far! haha Besides the girls that is...

Lago de Coatepeque

Day 3 was extremely hard... I will prolly write my own post on it, but right now would be too hard. I am too emotionally tired to think about it.

Day 4

Today was our "off" day. We went to an awesome lake called Lago de Coatepeque. The lake was right beside a volcano. Active volcano I might add. We took a two hour boat ride around the lake. There was an Island in the middle that all of the rich people go to for special occasions and holidays. The water was SO clear. You could see 20 feet below you! I had such a good time!!! We ate dinner at the lake, at a hotel overlooking the water! Again, the food was amazing!! I had shrimp. (I will add pics as soon as I download them) It was the WHOLE shrimp. Next we went to the market. It was a bargainers dream. If they said $2.00 you worked your way down to .50$ It was fun to bargain. I got some pretty cool gifts. I cannot say cause I havent given them;)

It was nice to have a day to regain strength and stamina for the two days ahead. We needed a day to relax mentally, especially from the day before. It was a nice refresher and we were ready to go back and love on kids the next day.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 3

This is the e-mail that my mom sends out the the family members who are here, board membersIAOM, and friends. I was too tired to type it myself so I just stole hers. =)

Again …I am very tired – please overlook any typos!

Today we went to the Special Needs Orphanage. It was rough day for some of the team members – but we could definitely feel God’s presence. When we arrived I think that it was hard for some of the team to get off of the bus because they didn’t know what to expect. Another team of 6-7 American college students came in the gate. We talked with them a little and found out that they were with a humanitarian group that wasn’t faith based - that has been working in El Salvador for 4 months. They were painting murals on the walls of the Dining Hall. Before they left we were able to pray for them.

We danced and played ball with the children first. We then sang songs and then shared the gospel with them in a very simple way – using the colors. We made them the bracelets. We saw that they were in desperate need of undergarments. We left for lunch and then came back and handed out the bracelets and gave the Director the undergarments that we purchased – so that she could pass them out. We were afraid that they might want to try them on in front of us!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

The children are mentally or physically disabled…but what is even worse than that is that they also have horrid living conditions. I do realize that they do not know any difference…but it really hurts my heart. They truly have nothing! The cottages that they are living in have bed frames with mattresses that are in very bad shape…some without mattresses…and some mattresses that are on the floor. There is no bedding on most of the beds.

When we talked with the Director about purchasing the mattresses we found out that she had gotten another quote with was cheaper. If you purchase 12 tables (instead of the 10 we were going to purchase) they are $255 instead of $278. This will give them room for the 106 children and for the workers to all have a seat – for just a little more money.

She also told us that she had found a different company that she could use to purchase the mattresses. This place gave her a quote of $55 a mattress instead of the $78 she originally gave us. She asked us if we could purchase only 50 mattresses instead of the 100 they originally asked for…when we asked her why she explained that they need 25 more bed frames. She said that there are children are sleeping on the floor. We are going to get a quote on the frames – we would like to buy the 25 frames and as many mattresses as we can. We are counting on it being all 100. We think the cheaper price for the mattresses will probably cover the cost.

One of the residents fell in love with Alyson…she as so good with him. Another would perform for us…and clap for himself…he was too cute! Another told us that he could speak Chinese. He said that he taught himself. He started talking and then asked our translator what he said. She told him that she didn’t know because she didn’t speak Chinese…he said that he could speak it he just couldn’t understand it and didn’t know what he was saying. It was too cute. We left the orphanage a little early. It was very tiring. You really couldn’t relax because there were a few residents that would have “fits” and it was scary for the girls. Since we had a little time we drove up to the top of the mountain and took some photos.

We got back to the hotel at 5:00. We all relaxed and then had supper and our devotion time. Tomorrow is our day off…we will be recharging to complete the last 2 days. Please pray that God would continue to guide us and that hearts would be turned to the Lord.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The best chicken I have ever eaten

Day 2
Hello again. It's almost midnight and today was long so please excuse any grammar and spelling errors.

Today was an amazing day! We went to an all girls orphanage. I cannot think of the city, but it was about 1 1/2 hours away from San Salvador.

We had so much fun with the girls today. We made bracelets, Bible covers, had Bible lessons, sang songs, bought shoes and made hot dogs with the girls. they were such a blessing. These girls reminded me more of the girls from Colombia!

We left the orphanage and went to one of our translators grandmothers house. (All three of the translators are from El Salvador) Her aunt, cousin, grandmother, and grandfather were all there. It was so fun to see them together. The grandma had demsia ?? and when we were saying hello, kept saying "adios." She was soooo cute! They were all so hospitable and so nice to welcome us into their home. The grandfather prayed as we left, and I know the Holy Spirit was in that room. I loved them so much.

We ate dinner after that, at an authentic El Salvadorean Restaurant. Can I just say that the rotiserie chicken was the BEST chicken I HAVE EVER eaten!!!! NO Lie! We were ohing and awing over this chicken. My mom even stole it from our translators table. She said they could get their own =) haha she was kidding! I think.... We also ate Papussa's. They are like tortillas with beans, cheese and pork in them. It was SO good! The best meal so far! We all wanna go back and eat that chicken. The restaurant had monkeys and parrots outside in cages where we were. I know that sounds disgusting, but they were not right by us. haha One of the monkeys got mad at Amber and grabbed her. Shhh... Don't tell her mom! We laughed so hard. All the "younger girls" with us were all freaked out!

We finally made it back to our hotel, to head right back out to Pops-- an ice cream place. We had eaten so much chicken I wonder how we managed to fit ice cream in our bellies-- but we did! We debriefed and talked about the days events. It is hard to leave after just one day, but we know the Lord is working through us. Some of the girl stood up today and thanked us all on their own. They had the translators say it in front of everyone! How brave and courageous they are!

Ok I know this is getting long, I just wanna have it all written for when I come home! Please pray for us tomorrow! We are going to the special needs orphanage-- enough said. It is going to be a VERY emotional draining day! Pray for strength, patience, and peace. These kids/adults need more love than any of the others. My heart aches just thinking about it!

Well goodnight all!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Uno Dia--(Happy bday Daddy)

Day one in El Salvador has been amazing! We landed yesterday and got all packed into a van and left for our hotel. Our hotel is AMAZING! It is so nice! This is going to be very rough and have plenty of errors, but I am running off little sleep and just want to recap today's events!

7:00 Breakfast ( we thought that we could go at 9 to the orphanage)
10:00 finally got to meet some little kiddos
-We played sang songs in spanish- I am sooo rusty-
-Played with jump ropes, side-walk chalk, balls, etc outside
-made bracelets
-Bible lesson

4:00 El Salvador "Wal-Mart" WAY bigger than ours.
8:00 dinner at our hotel and debrief
--Happy birthday Dad! Yummy cakes!

All in all today was successful. I felt like I was busy passing out stuff and organizing, that I felt like I didn't love on too many kids. I was later reminded that God had a purpose for me today, and even though I didn't have some huge emotional moment like some, God placed me where he wanted me today. I am following His will, and I have to know that He is going to have me at the right place and right time.

I cannot wait for tomorrow. It is an middle/older all girls orphanage. I know God is working through us here! He has blessed me so much already!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Uno mas dia

until I am in country of El Salvador! Can you believe it? YES!!!!! The time has come! Our flight is leaving tomorrow (Sun. Aug. 2) @ 5:45. I am super pumped--If you cannot tell by the exclamation points.

Please pray for me and my emotions; they are super high right now, and I am actually a little nervous. I am also really scared about motion sickness. I get sick easily and with planes and bumpy roads... eek.. weak stomach. I will come home Sunday the 8th in the afternoon. I am going to try and post a few times while I am there, but internet connections are pretty bad there so we will see.

Please pray for the team, safety, motion sickness, the orphans, the nuns and workers at the orphanages, and anyone we may come into contact with. Let us be the hands and feet of our Savior. I want everything I say and do be pleasing to the Lord, and for Him to shine and increase and me decrease!

P.S I made it through boot camp=) Only with the help of my best friend Paige! She rocks!!!