As I get older and older, I have come to appreciate my surroundings, family, and life so much more. I am learning that everyday and every moment is a GIFT from God. I want to cherish my many blessings and have my life be a constant song of worship to my King. Now I know it is about a week premature, but these are all of my many thanks and blessings.
I am thankful/
blessed for my amazing family, who loves me unconditionally and has always lived as examples of Christ-like people.
I am thankful for my friends who always listen to my silly stories and always encourage me in the Lord. Their zest for life and the joy that they bring to me is something to be cherished.I am thankful for a boyfriend who loves the Lord with all his heart, tells me I am beautiful, and is my best friend. He truly is a Man among men!
I am thankful for my MANY short comings, so when I do fall short, God's hand is right there to show me He is enough.I am thankful for my Bible study girls who teach and bless me more than they even know.
I am thankful for the Lord placing in my life, women who desire to be Godly wives and lead by example.I am thankful for always having food on the table. I never go hungry.
I am thankful for the tiny baby growing inside my sister-in-law's belly, who I cannot wait to meet and love on.I am thankful for freedom in America that I can love and worship my God freely.
I am thankful for the passion of adoption and my love for orphans. And to know that my Daddy in heaven is always here with me.I am thankful for a Daddy on this earth who makes me feel beautiful and displays what a MAN should be. He has always been the standard of what I want my husband to be.
I am thankful for a mom who has been my best friend, mentor, and someone who I admire.I am thankful for a roof over my head and a WONDERFUL roomate, who even when I leave a mess, is patient and loving toward me.
I am thankful for the men and women who are fighting right now for our safety and feedom.I am thankful for the tears of sorrow that turn into tears of joy.
I am thankful for the healing that comes after pain.I am thankful for the journey that He has planned out just for me- My past and my future.
I am SO thankful for my God who sent His son to die on a cross for ME!