Well, to say the least life as I once knew it has completely changed. I am now living in a very familiar city, with unfamiliar surroundings. I find myself day to day seeking guidance in the Lord, for my future plans. I have called my parents probably one too many times bawling, because I don’t have a clue what I want to do in life. (Besides be a mom) Amidst all of this confusion God smacked me across the face and said “just follow me, it is that easy”. So, I have put my “I hate school and everything it entails” attitude aside and decided to give it all to Him. After all he as it anyways.
I have decided to start going through various books of the Bible, for my devo’s. I wanted to look at women in the Bible, and see what God was stirring up in their lives. I started my journey in Ruth, and I was blown away! Growing up in a wonderfully Godly family, I feel like I know the stories, sometimes a little too well. I went though this book slowly and found the new meaning of intimacy with Christ. Ruth is a small book, but it is jammed packed with so many elements of Gods unconditional love for us. Ruth is so connected with Naomi and even though she has no reason to stay with her, just pure loved caused her to stay by Naomi’s side. How amazing is that? She had such a love for her that she was going to stay with her no matter what. My favorite verse in Ruth is Ruth 1:16-17 “…16Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely if anything but death separates you and me.”
I am involved in Aggie Sisters for Christ (ASC) this year and God has used these girls to lead, encourage, and hold me accountable more that I could ever have expected this year. Our worship leader played this song, it took me back to Christ’s love for us. And how we should be o so ever connected with Him. He created us, and we should take the time to have intimate conversations and just be real with Him.
My favorite part is “Lay back against you and breath, feel your heart beat, this love is so deep its more than I can stand I melt in your peace, its overwhelming.” Just the act of physically leaning on Him and feeling His heart beating. I want to be so connected with my Savior it really is an overwhelming feeling. I am so blessed and humbled that He could want that type of relationship with me. I am so honored to be called His Child.
i love you dahling &&& i miss you. i am so excited to see that God is active and moving in your life :D
you check out my blog:
hey sweet Sarah! i loved reading this blog. i stumbled accross you on nick and jada's blog. intimacy with Jesus has been the most precious thing in my life. i love being with Him! :) you are precious to Him, Sarah!
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