SEPTEMBER is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and September 12th is Childhood Cancer Awareness Day
As many of you know, I was a Child Life Assistant my Freshman year of college at Scott and White in Temple, TX. It was the most rewarding/challenging job I have ever had. I was allowed the privilege to get to know some amazing young hearts who had this terrible disease called cancer. The Lord gave strength to some who now are healthy and doing wonderful, while others He took to be with Him in heaven. This month, I ask that you take a second and pray for the children and families who are dealing with this awful disease. Also, pray for the families who have lost children to cancer. We serve a BIG God, who can do BIG things!
This is a post one of the mother's of a child who went to heaven wrote on her blog.
These are some things you can do this month (and ALL YEAR ROUND, for the most part!) to support Childhood Cancer Awareness. None of these things involve any financial burden of any kind (except for maybe eating at Chili's ... but hey you gotta eat right??)
♥Tell everyone you know (and even those you don't know) how you, or someone you love, has been touched by childhood cancer.
♥Donate blood at a hospital where they are taking care of children with cancer.
♥Dine at a Chili’s Restaurant on September 28, 2009, when they will donate 100% of their profits from restaurant sales to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: createapepper.com
♥Wear the color GOLD to show your support.
♥Donate blood at a hospital where they are taking care of children with cancer.
♥Dine at a Chili’s Restaurant on September 28, 2009, when they will donate 100% of their profits from restaurant sales to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: createapepper.com
♥Wear the color GOLD to show your support.
♥Register to become a bone marrow donor: http://www.marrow.org/ - it's one of the easiest things you can do to help give someone a second chance at life.
♥Offer to volunteer at a local childhood cancer center.
♥Let a family that's been touched by childhood cancer know you STILL CARE and that haven't forgotten about their struggles.
♥Sign the CURE CHILDHOOD CANCER petition (and ask your friends and family to sign, as well!): thepetitionsite.com/1/CureChildhoodCancer
♥Sign the CURE CHILDHOOD CANCER petition (and ask your friends and family to sign, as well!): thepetitionsite.com/1/CureChildhoodCancer
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