Saturday, January 24, 2009

I like school??

I can hardly believe it! I am actually enjoying this semester of school. (YES THAT DID JUST COME OUT Of MY MOUTH=)) I am not sure if it is my 3 hour pottery class on Mondays and Wednesdays or what, but it sure is a great way to pass the semester by.

Christmas break was so much fun. I was a lot of fun to be with my family for so long. I may have even over stayed my welcome for a little bit too long, but it is just because family is something I cherish so much!

Back to my awesome semester of school. I was absolutely dreading going back! My first day back was my Tuesday and Thursday class day. I have technical writing and medical terminology. For once in my lifetime I felt smart in a class. I knew most of the stuff my medical terminology teacher was saying!! It made me feel so good about my self, and those days of working in the hospital really did pay off. My Wednesday class was amazing! It was Ceramics! All we do is make stuff and paint it!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT! I think everyone in my class thought I was nuts when I kept saying "Can you believe this is a college class? This is so awesome."

God is really answering so many of my questions, doubts and fears. I always find going back to school leaves me feeling empty and alone. It seems there are so many people, but no one who truly understands how I feel. God is making me depend solely on Him and His guidence and wisdom.

1 Peter 4:11 says If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that IN ALL THINGS GOD MAY BE PRAISED THROUGH CHRIST JESUS. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

I am trying to lean only on Him, and not people around me. I want everything that I do and speak to be pleasing and edifying to my Father above. I am so thankful that He has given me this semester to enjoy the actual school part of college. I am so thankful and cannot tell you how much this is going to make my semester so much better! He has given me the opportunity to enjoy the moment that I am in, as well as cherish everything around me that He has created. My eyes are opening to see His beauties all around me.

Well, here goes to an amazing semester of school!!! lol (Wow this is a new concept for me)

(its really late.. excuse any gramatical errors.. thats what tech. writing is for... I am not supposed to be good until the class is over=)))

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