Sunday, August 31, 2008

the calm after the storm...

Well.. sorry about that wierd post. Things are pretty level here. I figured out that I have a virus on my computer and our router is bad. I have calmed down and things are going back to "normal", well my normal. I have figured out one of the reason that God called me to College Station. This summer was amazing and I was on such a high and on fire for the Lord like no other. It was so amazing! I found a peace with everything and even thought the end of my summer was turned upside down, I knew God was going to do something amazing. I moved here and my faith has been tested almost everyday. Finding friends who believe what I believe and people who have the same morals as me is so much harder than I thought. I think God moved me here to say "Yes, Sarah, you would be on fire at UMHB and have a wonderful year and follow me completely; but I wanna push you and test you and show you how much I love you more than ever." It would have been easy to go to the christian school and keep my same AWESOME Godly friends, but here I really have to work at it. Teachers are not reminding you to stay in the word. There is no New Testament class and chapel every Wednesday. I will say I have struggled a little bit, but am finding when I call on Him, He picks me up and removes me from any bad situation. I am falling so much more in love with the Word, and Him. I really hope this year brings growth, maturity, and just a better understanding of my Father in heaven. I want to surrender everything that I have and give it all to Him!!! Whatever the outcome, I am fully His!!

Well, needless to say it's been an adventure so far! Classes are harder than I thought, but I have awesome profs. My job is awesome! It has been so much fun!!

Please continue to pray for me in guidance with a church. Also for my little babies in Colombia!! I miss them dearly!!! And also for my strength to stand up to the many temptations of this world and hold tightly to His promise and His will for my life!!!


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