Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How did I make it through freshman year?

That is the question I am pondering tonight.

It is about 1:20AM and I am completely useless. Abel has a 10 page paper due this week and since I am the History/English person, my job is to read and fix, which I will gladly assist in! (He really is the better writer, but I do what I can.)

Back to my pondering thoughts.... When I was a freshman at UMHB I didn't go to sleep before 2AM pretty much every night. Now I am gone after 11:30PM! What is the deal!? I am 20 years old! Next thing you know I am going to be knitting and driving 10 miles below the speed limit.

Pray that I do not start wrinkling any time soon!

1 comment:

Paige said...

I don't know how you did either---Me & Brit were old ladies then! I must be a REALLY old married lady now!!