Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The hands that hold the world are holding your heart.

Not having my own computer is stinky! Life is going pretty good; a few ups and a few downs.

Our family found out some pretty bad news lately (though we are all doing fine) and I am trying to cling to the Word and see Christ's reasons for everything. I heard the song, "Safe" by Phil Whickham, and it has been such an encouragement and a blessing to me. I encourage you to listen to it, just click safe and it will take you to the YouTube video.

On a MUCH happier note we had my best friend Paige's bachelorette party this past weekend! It was so fun! Don't worry we didn't get TOO crazy! We did get asked at P.F Chang's if we were the model convention, and if we could sing to a boy's birthday who was turning 17. We informed the people that we were not a road show of any kind. It was so fun and I am so glad that I got to hang out with all of my girls for the weekend. I have never congratulated Paige on my blog so here it is!

Paige I am SOOO stinkin excited for you and Nathan to be married! You are an amazingly beautiful woman on the inside as well as the outside. He is such a lucky guy to get you as his wife. I have had the honor of being friends with you for pretty much our whole life, and even through the rough times you have always been here for me. Know that I will be here for you always. I have been so blessed to have you in my life, and am so excited to see what the Lord does with you and Nathan. I love you two SO much!!! And you may kill me for this but hey... I just have to...

10 days until your wedding and you can.... "well, you know." **

**Paige Glasco's quote


Paige said...

I loved you & I thought you were sweet...until the end! haha I guess I deserved it!

Tori said...

hahaha that is so funny!!! maybe i should add that into my speech at the rehearsal dinner... :)