Saturday, August 1, 2009

Uno mas dia

until I am in country of El Salvador! Can you believe it? YES!!!!! The time has come! Our flight is leaving tomorrow (Sun. Aug. 2) @ 5:45. I am super pumped--If you cannot tell by the exclamation points.

Please pray for me and my emotions; they are super high right now, and I am actually a little nervous. I am also really scared about motion sickness. I get sick easily and with planes and bumpy roads... eek.. weak stomach. I will come home Sunday the 8th in the afternoon. I am going to try and post a few times while I am there, but internet connections are pretty bad there so we will see.

Please pray for the team, safety, motion sickness, the orphans, the nuns and workers at the orphanages, and anyone we may come into contact with. Let us be the hands and feet of our Savior. I want everything I say and do be pleasing to the Lord, and for Him to shine and increase and me decrease!

P.S I made it through boot camp=) Only with the help of my best friend Paige! She rocks!!!

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